In accordance with the characteristics of strong narrowband interference in satellite spectrum-spread communication, the design method for a high speed real-time FFT processor and interference suppression in frequency-domain using FPGA technology is presented. 针对卫星通信中的强窄带干扰,文中讨论了采用FPGA硬件实现高速实时FFT处理器的设计方案,并基于此FFT实现频域窄带干扰抑制。
Finally, the Packet Satellite Communication Processor and the experimental results are reported. 报告了笔者所研制的卫星分组通信处理器及在卫星SCPC话音通道进行分组数据传输的试验结果。
A satellite picture processor using electrochemical paper 使用电化学传真纸显示卫星云图的图像讯号处理器